The Center That Holds

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world

William Butler Yeats, The Second Coming

Somewhere along the widening gyre of the debris that pervades our public discourse, the madness that dominates our everyday dialogue, and the strife that fuels our irreconcilable differences, lies a field out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, a field where the center holds.

The Septum is a new publication founded by storytellers and avid readers from all walks of life. We want to help you see the world more clearly and remember it better by sharing the stories of where we’ve been, the truths of where we are, and the possibilities of where we’re headed.

Among many others, we publish long-form narratives, investigative features, personal essays, and multimedia storytelling that resist simplistic categorizations. Our pieces will explore complex human experiences across cultures, disciplines, and perspectives—from in-depth interviews with individuals challenging systemic narratives to nuanced explorations of social phenomena that defy conventional reporting. We are committed to amplifying voices often marginalized in mainstream discourse, providing deep context, and creating space for nuanced, multilayered storytelling that reveals the intricate tapestry of human experience.

As it was, one of the things we found persistently disturbing and intend to torch is the false narratives that inflame and legitimize incomplete—or, worse yet, entirely faux—stories. In other words, we are thrilled about the incredible power of genuine conversations, and optimistic about where that path may lead.

As it is—and shall be—our stories and publications will explore the various aspects of our lives and society, along with our interconnectedness to it all, as they form a gestalt of holistic consciousness and harmonious differences through what has been, what is, and what—we believe—may be.

And not for nothing, you see. It is impossible to split the Red Sea of conflicts to the promised land of eternal bliss when the safe passage of empathy is prejudiced with dusted intentions rife with the grimes of misinformation. But it doesn’t have to be. Together, we can do better.

As we continue to build onward and upward, as we continue to subvert the narratives of the usual stories that do not quite fit the reality we are trying to describe, as we continue to tell our stories—and of the world at large—from our perspectives, in ways that categorically matter, in ways that challenge conventional wisdom, our ultimate goal is to unrelentingly strive to understand what it means to be there from here. Our hope is that you will try to understand here from there. And then we can meet at the center that holds.

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