Support our journalism

Write for us

The Septum aims to be a terminus for in-depth, serious, and thought-provoking stories written by passionate writers that enshrine the triad of creative writing, powerful narrative, and compelling storytelling.

What we publish

We feature and accept all types of original and thorough writing that haven’t been published elsewhere: journalism, commentary, fiction, non-fiction, opinion pieces, thoughtful reviews, short stories, and essays. Our past publications are guides to what we are looking for.

We are interested in serious pieces that explore creative and in-depth analyses of common topics that reflect the diversity and complexities of our world—from science to technology, politics, entertainment, sports, art, and more.

Here are some sample articles for your perusal:

About Poetry Submissions

We are currently not accepting poetry submissions.

Why you should write for The Septum

Writing for The Septum means that you:

  • Join a nascent and thriving network of diverse contributors.
  • Get a chance to tell your story to a global and varied audience.
  • Contribute to a worldwide discussion about the topics that matter most to you.
  • Make money telling your stories to a wide range of readers.

What The Septum will do for you

The Septum will:

  • Disclose and offer to pay you when your submission is accepted for publication.
  • Give you a byline with your profile to showcase yourself and your work.
  • Rigorously fact-check, proofread, and copy-edit your submission.
  • Confirm that your pieces are animated through outstanding artwork and contextual figures—illustrations, images, etc.
  • Promote your piece on all our public channels like Threads, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.

How to send in your submissions

Please send your manuscripts as Word, Google documents, or PDF attachments to We encourage you to read through our past publications before sending in your submissions.

Manuscripts should lead with your name, proposed title, genre, intended audience, and why your idea matters.

How The Septum pays

With a minimum of 800 words, payment is based on the length of submissions as categorized below:

  1. Short: up to 1,500 words
  2. Medium: up to 3,500 words
  3. Long: up to 6,500 words
  4. Long-form: beyond 10,500 words

At The Septum, we look forward to overlooked perspectives and unheard opinions that help broaden our understanding of the world.

Support Our Journalism: Read. Write. Live Eternal.
